So Money - Episode 91

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

In today’s Ask Farnoosh episode… questions about buying a home close to retirement and co-mingling bank accounts in your relationship.


My parents are in their early 50’s and they are looking for purchase a home for the second time. Are you ever too old to purchase a home?


Lot of finance experts sugest index funds or high divedent stocks. Lot of the stocks are in oil, mining, or has an environmental or social impact.Is there an expert who you can interview on ethical investments?


Hi Farnoosh!  I thoroughly enjoy your podcast and have incorporated it into my (early) morning routine.

I do not have a question at this time, just a list of potential guests I’d like to hear from:

1. Alexa VonTobel
2. Katrina Lake, Stitch Fix CEO
3. Meg Keene, author and founder of A Practical Wedding
4. Andrew Hallam, Millionaire Teacher


My boyfriend and I have been in a relationship for 2.5 years and we are starting to plan more seriously for our future together and the financial goals that come with that, like buying a house and paying for our wedding. We wonder what is the best way to save for those goals. Should we open a shared savings account? What do you recommend?

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