So Money - Episode 95

Jesse Mecham

Founder and CEO of

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— To download the mp3 right click here and choose “save as”

If your budgeting is not where you want it to be… and you are wondering what else you can do, today’s guest might be able to help. He is the founder and CEO of or YNAB, Jesse Mecham. Fueled by the desire to survive as a 20-something newlywed and a full-time student, Jesse developed a budgeting system to help him track expenses. What was a simple expense recorder evolved into something quite useful, which allowed him and his family not only to survive but also save a substantial portion for a rainy day.

Fast-forward to 2015, YNAB is a full-blown software enterprise, driven by a small, passionate team, helping tens of thousands of people all over the world pay down their debt, save more money, and break the paycheck to paycheck cycle. When Jesse is not fine-tuning software, doing his own budgeting or helping others get a hold of their finances, he is gardening, playing the piano and honing his golf swing… as well as hanging out with 5 amazing children.

Several takeaways from our interview:

— What’s unique about YNAB and what is a four-rule approach to budgeting?

— How to “age your money” to make the most of your paycheck.

— How Jesse paid off his mortgage before he was 30

If you’d like to learn more about Jesse Mecham, visit his website or follow him on Twitter @ynab.


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