So Money - Episode 61

Michael O’Neal

Host of Solopreneur Hour Podcast


One of my recent guests on the show, Amanda Steinberg, the founder of, said that she “ate struggle for breakfast” throughout her life. And that’s a trend that I’m starting to see across the board… among many highly successful people. Today’s guest is no exception. From losing both of his parents seven months apart to losing all of his savings and his house, he endured what many of us fear the most – hitting rock bottom. But he never stopped. He never made excuses. He just kept going. His name is Michael O’Neal.

Today Michael is the creator and host of the highly acclaimed podcast Solopreneur Hour where he interviews the best and brightest solopreneurs from all walks of life. When he’s not podcasting himself, he helps others learn how to podcast and launch their own brands online.

Three smart takeaways from our interview:

— Why Michael started “Solopreneur Hour” and what it means to be a solopreneur

— A time in his life when he had $14 left and how he climbed out of that hole

— A key influencer in Michael’s career that he actually never met

If you’d like to learn more about Michael O’Neal, check out his website and his podcast Solopreneur Hour or follow him on Twitter @Solohour.

My favorite quote from this interview: “Wait a second… I could be putting 25% away without any hit to my lifestyle?!” – click to tweet

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