So Money - Episode 45

Chris Ducker

Entrepreneur and Author, Virtual Freedom

Today’s guest in an international superstar. Chris Ducker is the founder and CEO of Virtual Staff Finder and the Live2Sell Group of Companies. He is well known as a “Virtual CEO.”

He is a frequent keynote speaker. We were both keynotes, in fact, at FinCon14 in New Orleans last year. Chris is British and lives in the Philippines with his family.

And he’s written a fantastic book. It’s inspired me to be more efficient with my business…Chris’ book Virtual Freedom: How to Work with Virtual Staff to Buy More Time, Become More Productive and Build Your Dream Business, is an Amazon Bestseller.

Three takeaways from our interview:

When you know you’re ready to outsource some of your work. When it’s worth your time and money.

— How Chris plans to retire early…and by early we’re talking 50 years old.

— One of the most important habits Chris recommends all entrepreneurs practice.

To learn more about Chris, you can follow him on Twitter @ChrisDucker and check out his show, The New Business Podcast.

My favorite quote: “I’m me all the time. What you see is what you get. There’s no cloak and dagger act.”

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