EP. 162

Holly Johnson

Founder of Club Thrifty and Travel Blue Book

June 22, 2015

I’ve got a fantastic female entrepreneur on the show today, Holly Johnson. She’s a blogger extraordinaire, co-founder of 2 websites: a personal finance blog, Club Thrifty, and a frugal travel blog, Travel Blue Book. Which, both have become so successful, guess what? Her husband just joined her and quit his 9 to 5 to join her and build this online empire – Gregg is her husband – and build her online empire. Holly is also a staff writer at Get Rich Slowly, The Frugal Dollar, The Frugal Travel Guy, and U.S News and World Report. Her work has been featured everywhere: the Wall Street Journal, Fox, Forbes, Lifehacker, Yahoo, on, and on, and on.

Now Holly’s journey started after realizing that even though together as couple, Holly and Greg her husband, even though that together they were making good money, they weren’t really saving enough to have the lifestyle they really, really wanted. And I think that’s something that a lot of us can relate to. You make money, you spend it, you have the things that you want but there’s still more that you wish you had – not more in a sense of stuff, but you have a future to build and you wanna be able to feel confident that you’re gonna be able to retire well, send your kids to school, buy that home that you want, and so how do you get there?

So Holly and Greg started tracking their spending, and as a result Club Thrifty, that first blog, was born. To not only encourage themselves, but others as they say, “Stop spending, and start living”. It was this little side hustle that eventually turned into an incredibly profitable source of income for them and as I said, it’s allowed Greg to quit his job and focus on the business as well.

Three Takeaways from our interview with Holly:

  • Why she thinks that couples should have one again, just one, shared account – and I happen to disagree.
  • One key and simple detail to have on your personal blog for all you bloggers out there, that can help you make money.
  • And her top advice for landing online, writing opportunities. If you’re interested in getting some side income from freelance writing, you’ll wanna hear what she has to say.

If you would like to learn more about Holly Johnson, visit her website clubthrifty.com or follow her on Twitter @ClubThrifty.

One of my favorite quotes from the interview: “I’m creating my own destiny through self-employment and hard work.” – Click to Tweet


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